Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Does hand sanitizer really weaken the immune system.?

And if so than how and is there any scientific way to prove this?
I haven't heard that it weakened the immune system.

What it does do is spare the .3% or bacteria and give them ample room and food to mass produce. Soon hand sanitizer wont work because all bacteria will be immune.
No. You are exposed to germs by a whole lot of ways other than shoving your fist down your throat.
No who told you that!
it weakens the immune system of germs
No, but it does encourage new strains of resistant bacteria to form.

Why? Natural selection.
I don't know about scientific proof, however, anything you do that reduces the amount of germs that your boby comes in contact with will reduce your overall immunity. For example, if you've never boxed a day in your life and then were put up against Rocky, would you win? Of course not. Because you didn't have any practice. The same goes for your immune system. It has to fight off germs in order to become stronger. And it has been studied that children who are exposed to more germs as a child tend to get sick a lot less as adults. I'm serious and you should research this for the specifics.

The guy below me is right. Just look at the Virgin Soil Epidemic.
Only when you are talking about an infant or young child, if a child is never exposed to certain viruses and bacteria they never build antibodies against them, it won't weaken the immune system, it just won't know what to fight until it's too late, many studies have been done on this, the 10's of thousands of Indians that died from exposure to the common flu virus brought by Columbus is a good example.

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