Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Does evrything cause Cancer?

im not makin fun of it, it is a very serious matter but from what i hear in the news it seems like everything can cause cancer. i just think it is ridiculous whats next food can cause cancer?
Food already causes cancer, and is likely the source of many other diseases, such as arthritis, diabetes, etc. The food most people eat today is not natural at all. Almost all fruit, vegetable, and grain crops have been genetically modified with all sorts of DNA from other species of plants and animals, and foods are loaded with pesticides and fungicides. Most processed foods contain modified ingredients (read the label on ANY prepackaged food you have in the house-it likely has at least one ingredient listed as "modified", such a corn starch, etc. The fruits and vegetables you buy may look normal, but if they end up in your local market, its because they have been mass produced by companies that are only concerned with their bottom line, not the consumer. Cabbage, for example, has been spliced with the DNA of scorpions, to make them more resistant to pests. (google GMO foods for more details) Next, the food supply is LOADED with preservatives, chemicals, artificial colors (red food color is made from crushed cochineal beatles-google carmine) and other unnatural things. Commercial milk and meat are loaded with steroids, growth hormones, and antibiotics, all of which pass into the meat, milk and eggs. Check out factoryfarming.org for more info on that. So if you think food isnt already the root of these illnesses, think again. The body does not know how to process all of these artificial chemicals and toxins, and most people end up with some type of ailment or another. Before I learned about all this, I was completely crippled and had many chronic health issues. Now that I have switched to an all natural, organic, vegetarian diet, I am completely well. The only time I have an issue, is if I eat something I shouldnt. I was blissfully clueless about the state of our food supply before-its shocking what really goes on in the food industry.
Some foods CAN cause cancer.

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